Site Rules

We hope you have a wonderful stay with us. To help make your time with us as relaxing as possible for you and other guests, please read through and abide with the following site rules. We do not accept group bookings. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.. we will be happy to help. Please phone us on 07572 614 082 1 hour before arrival.

We will meet you and show you to your pitch.  Arrival outside of these times is by prior arrangement only. If you are running late, please call to advise us.  We cannot accommodate arrivals after 7.00pm.

The balance of your holiday must be clear 28 days prior to arrival. Please note we only allow one accommodation per pitch. Maximum occupancy per pitch is six people. A Pup tent is fine to use alongside the main unit, used for storage or pets, but not as an extra accommodation on the same pitch.

Things To Pack

Bring a torch. Some areas are not lit at night.
Sensible footwear, paths & pitches are gravel.
Water / Aqua Shoes, for paddling in the river.
Cool packs & Fire pits available to rent.
Logs must be purchase on the Park.

**Check in times are 2pm until 7.30pm

**Check out time is no later then 12pm.

Party Groups

We do not accept group bookings of any kind including stag or hen parties. You can however hire the campsite for family groups or camping events subject to availability. Minimum fees apply and dates subject to availability. Please email with your booking queries.


One car per pitch only. Do not park on an unoccupied pitch. Any visitors may have to park off the site.

Quiet Time

Quiet time is between 11pm and 8am. So everyone can enjoy a relaxed time, please be considerate of others, young and not so young. So please be mindful of loud conversation, children & music, car and motorbike noise.
During the day, please refrain from making noise that may disturb other guest or our neighbours.

We will ask you to leave with no refund if these rules are ignored.

Set up of your tent – One accommodation per pitch

On arrival we will let you know your pitch number. Please leave 6 meters between tents. Be careful of guy ropes where there may be a trip hazard and do not tie them to pitch stakes, fences, plants or trees. If you are staying more than 10 days, you may be asked to move your tent to fresh grass within the pitch. We do not allow generators.


The sound of childrens laughter is a delight, however screaming & out of control children are not ☹ Please make sure that your children respect other campers, property and our facilities. they must be supervised at all times, no playing in or around the facility buildings. No climbing on fences, gates or wood carvings.
Ball games are not allowed. There is a recreation field at the top of the campsite. This is the only area that football & other games are allowed for the safety of other campers, particularly as we allow firepits. Also there is a childrens playground & playing field in the village.


Well behaved pets are welcome. They must be kept on a lead whilst on the sire and fouling must be cleared up immediately. Pets must not be left unaccompanied at any time. If you have pets that are noisy or behaving badly, you will be asked to leave the site. No refund will be offered.
Pets are not allowed in the shower & toilet facilities.


Please respect all other guests, buildings, site and facilities, wildlife and environment. Litter will not be tolerated. All gates must be kept closed, and please respect the privacy of other guests, and keep to the paths or tracks without taking shortcuts through other pitches.

Bonnie Park will be planting native species trees including oak, beech, willow and cherry over the next few years. Please stay clear of any areas planted so that they get the best chance of survival.


Please leave the facilities in the condition you find them. The facilities are cleaned once a day & checked in the morning. If any building needs attention or supplies have run out, please let us know.

Do NOT flush anything other than toilet tissue in the toilet.

All buildings have a small step on the way in/out, so please be aware of this and make sure children are supervised. In damp conditions, be aware that floors may be slippery. Low energy lights are in each building, switch off after use.

Do not leave personal items in the shared facilities.
Device charging points are available in the facilities.


Please keep your eye on the weather and pack for all conditions. Although we do all we can to maintain our pitches, please remember if it has rained heavily the grass may be muddy.

The Kitchen

The on site kitchen is for you to wash up your dishes. There is also a washing machine dryer, and a microwave. Please follow instructions for use  so that settings that last for ‘hours’ don’t prevent others from using the facilities. Do not wash cooking fat down the sink, this will cause blockages, scrape instead into the general waste bin. Please close the door to the kitchen after use.


Rubbish should be put into the bins provided in the camp kitchen or car park bin area. Nappies should be bagged before disposal in the general waste bin. Do not leave any refuse bags outside on your pitch and make sure the area is kept tidy. Plastic bottles and cans should be crushed before putting in the bin.
If larger items are damaged e.g. camping chairs, airbeds, tents, cardboard boxes please take these home with you.
Use the recycle bins for glass, cans & cardboard


Children must be supervised at all times. This is particularly important along our riverbanks and around BBQ’s etc. No cycling on the campsite after dark. There is a playing field in the village with a large field and play equipment, should your children wish to play ball games, fly kites etc. Use a torch when going to the facilities at night time and be careful of tent guy ropes and steps. No climbing on gates/fencing and be careful of hedging /tree stakes.

Speed Limit on the site is 5mph. Smoking or vaping is not permitted in any building on site. Breakages please report any breakages, defects or failures to a member of staff as soon as noticed. Drones are not permitted anywhere on site. Metal detecting is not permitted anywhere on site.

Dark Skies. We are lucky to be in an area with relatively low levels of light pollution, and have great visibility of the night sky on a clear night. While you are welcome to decorate your tent with fairy lights or solar lights near the entrance, please make sure these are turned off by 11pm.

No flashing lights please. Turn off the lights on in the facility buildings after use. Remember your torch so you can walk round safely at night.
Day-to-day please comply with any verbal or written directions by campsite staff.

Fire Safety and general safety

Fire safety equipment is positioned at various places on the campsite, please see familiarise yourself with the site plan and Fire Notice in the camp kitchen.
Tents should be a minimum of 6m apart from each other.
Fire pits/BBQs Firepits are available to rent and you will need to purchase logs obtained from a sustainable source on the campsite. The fire pit must stay well away from the tent and consider if the wind will blow smoke/embers straight into yours or other guests areas. Do not position near to any fencing, shrubs or tents. If it’s windy or extremely dry, don’t light a fire.

Do not leave fires unattended or allow children too close. Be immediately aware of sparks and any threats of fire spreading, use the water bucket supplied if necessary.

No foraging or burning of “found wood” on the surrounding areas, pallets/waste wood is not permitted. Douse with water when leaving the pitch or going to bed. Never light a fire or cook in your tent.

Allow the firepit to cool down overnight before emptying ash into the special ash bin in the car park. Scorched pitch surfaces may be subject to a small charge to pay for re-seeding. All fires/cooking is at your own risk.

Disposable BBQs are not permitted on site, no exceptions.
Safe use of lights/lamps do not use naked flame lights, candles, paper lanterns anywhere on site.

We can accept no responsibility for any accident, loss or damage to any persons or property on this Park, however caused.

We reserve the right to evict any person or persons and their group not abiding by these site rules, causing a nuisance, or having a negative impact on the enjoyment of others. There will be no refund of any kind. Bonnie Park is a quiet, well-mannered and considerate park. If our rules cannot be adhered to please consider another park more suited to your needs.